Dear Ford, Again.

I’m writing this post to let you know why I will never be buying another Ford.

My experience with Ford started about three years ago.After going for an incredibly long time without my own vehicle, we took a trip to CarMax. Eventually, after some consideration, we picked out a Ford Explorer. I made this choice for many reasons. I needed a reliable family car, that would fit my three children and the fourth we were planning to eventually have. Also, I really did not want a minivan. And at the time, I was under the impression that Ford’s were decent, solid, American-Made cars. The Explorer was used, (a 2003 8 cylinder XLT model) but it had decent mileage and was in good condition. it has a third row that’s not too complicated to get to and can hold groceries and strollers and the myriad of crap a soccer-mom-of-four has to cart around on a daily basis. And more importantly, we wouldn’t have to strap the baby to the roof.

In the end, we paid too much for it, but we figured since CarMax was simple and easy, and since this vehicle was going to last awhile, being Ford Tough and all, it would work out fine.

So we brought it home and I was  thrilled. For about a month.

The day after CarMax’s 30 day warranty expired, I realized the CD player didn’t work. Oh well, no big deal, I thought.

A month after that, I rolled down a window and it never rolled back up. When I went to get it repaired, the mechanic showed me the insides. He explained how parts that used to be made of steel were now replaced with cheaper plastic and much more prone to break. I wasn’t thrilled about the mechanisms that hold my windows in being flimsy plastic, but what can you do? Right?

I few weeks later, I discovered that I could no longer roll down another window. Well, at least this one wasn’t stuck down, right? Unable to afford another three hundred bucks to have the door ripped apart and the flimsy parts replaced, I chose to leave it as it was.

Two months after that, the check engine light went on. Scared to find out something else was wrong, I waited until it was time to go in for my routine oil change and has the mechanic run tests to see why the light was on. Turns out, there’s something defective going on with the air filter, and it was actually recalled, but since my car isn’t under warranty anymore, Ford says they can’t replace the part unless I pay for labor. The mechanic told me that it wouldn’t make a difference in the way the car runs anyway, it was just a sensor that causes the check engine light to light up, so again, I let it go. And try to annoy the check engine light. Heaven forbid I really need to check my engine, because I’ll never know.

Around this time, my car started stalling at stop lights. Again, I take it in, and they can’t find the problem. It’s only intermittent, and it starts back up again right away, right?  And, that car didn’t actually hit me when I stalled in the middle of that intersection with all my kids in the car, so it’s all good. Right?

Another month, another issue. My car alarm goes off at 2 in the afternoon. I watch it from the window, doors locked, phone in hand, convinced I am being robbed. (No such luck.) I key the alarm off and write it off as a fluke. Maybe it was the wind.

Yeah, right.

Fast forward to 3 A.M.  And 3:45, and 5am. And the next day in Target when I am paged over the intercom because my alarm is going off. Another trip to the mechanic, where I am told, it is probably a faulty door sensor, registering an open door when there is none. But there is no way of knowing which door sensor without checking them all, and it could take untold hours to rip apart every door and check them. Which adds up to money we do not have.  And they are unable to simply disarm my alarm. If I lock my doors, the alarm goes off. Sometimes, it goes off anyway, just for fun. Also, since it intermittently thinks the doors are open, while you are driving the dashboard incessantly beeps a warning at you. And, as an added bonus, the interior lights, and sometimes headlights don’t go off. So I have to carry a car battery charger around wherever I go. And when I drive at night, I have to manually turn off the interior lights, which can’t be done without turning off the back lighting for the clock, radio, speedometer and gas gauge.

At this point, I can’t play my music, I can’t roll down my window, I can’t lock my doors or read my gas gauge, and I have to Flinstone run my 6 ton SUV full of kids off of train tracks when it stalls. But at least I have a car, right?

Then one morning, a year and a half ago, I go out to do some grocery shopping. As I go to put my earth friendly shopping bags out of the back, I am greeted with a lovely sight.

This, my friends, was what I saw.

Here I am, freaking out, trying to figure out what I did. Did I back into something? Did someone smack the back of my car? Did I slam the trunk too hard? Steve is going to kill me. Crap Crap, CRAP. I rack my brain, but can come up with nothing. A few weeks later, another crack appears, again, first thing in the morning, it is just there.

As near as we can figure, when it gets cold out, ( But not that cold, remember, we live in Florida.) the hardened Play-Doh or whatever the back is made out of, just… cracks.

Once it happened to me, I started noticing a funny thing. Seventeen other Ford Explorers in my neighborhood have the exact same cracks. What?

(Seriously, I am going to start a photo gallery of all the Fords with cracked rears that I come across. (If you have one, post a link to a pic in the comments!)

So then, last month, I’m driving my daughter home from school. I’m making a left turn, against traffic, because I don’t have a green arrow, and suddenly, my car doesn’t go. Oncoming traffic is speeding at us, and I’m standing on the gas pedal, and I’m barely moving. A light on the dash tells me “Conserving power,  because you are overheating.” or something to that effect. (I was a bit too panicked to write it down or commit it to memory.) Luckily the oncoming traffic managed to swerve and not kill us all, and I manage to putter into the gas station that was fortunately only 3 feet away.  Where it turns out, I was completely out of fluid.

There was NO warning.. just boom, out of fluid. Back to the mechanic, who can’t for the life of him figure out where exactly, it is going. There’s no visible leak, but my coolant is going…somewhere. Somewhere expensive, that’s probably going to require an engine replacement. Which we can’t afford, on a car that’s barely HALF paid for. So now I get to drive around with gallons of leaky antifreeze in the back of my kid and dog filled, safe family car.

Now, keep in mind, I regularly maintain my car. Change the oil, rotate the tires, get tune up’s. All the things you are supposed to do. None of these things are due, in any way, to anything I did. Every single thing is a manufacturing default. And you can’t tell me Ford doesn’t know about the problems, with as many other cracked-rear Explorers driving around as I have seen.

I’ve had it. This is ridiculous.

Why should we, as consumers, have to put up with this crap? Especially on the second most expensive thing we buy? We get better service in Victoria’s secret, and if a bra I buy from them falls apart after several washings, they will replace it. For free! We pay so much for our vehicles and they are apparently made to just fall apart. All this corner cutting and putting people in danger by making thirty-thousand dollar pieces of junk, and they wonder why the car industry needs bailing out? Wonder why people prefer to buy cars made in Germany and Japan? Hell, at this point, I would prefer a Toyota.

We should demand better service. We deserve better quality.

Please pass this on to anyone you know who is thinking of buying a car, and if you already have a Ford, please share your stories with me.


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A day in the life of me

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Every Day Is Earth Day

Years ago, I decided to make a change by slowly replacing things in my life with healthier, more natural things. I admit, with my health problems and everything else going on in our lives, “going green” has fallen low on my list of  priorities, but I haven’t forgotten about it.  I managed to go from chemical cleaning products to “natural” commercial products and now, I’m going all the way. Vinegar,  baking soda, tea tree oil, castile soap, essential oils. Rags and elbow grease. I admit. it’s not as convenient and easy, but after I cleaned yesterday I was amazed at how shiny and beautiful it all looked. And smelled.  But the best part of all was how I felt.

I think I am finally free of commercial cleaners and chemicals. My kid can lick the floor, and be in the bathroom while I am cleaning it and i don’t have to worry about him getting poisoned.  I don’t know why it took me so long.

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I’d dropped Kiki off at school as usual, and was heading home with the baby when it happened. I saw the policeman standing on the side of the road with his radar gun. He made eye contact and waved me over. Shit.

“Do you know how fast you were going?”


“Twenty-six. And do you know what the speed limit is?”


“Wrong, it’s a school zone. The speed limit is fifteen.”

“Um. Oh.” I glance in my rear view mirror at the End School Zone sign a good block and a half behind me. But,  I bite my lip because nothing good will come of me opening my mouth in this situation. Trust me, I have learned from experience. The baby starts to fuss.

Officer Smiley then asks me for my license and registration. Shit!

“Um, Yeah. I forgot my wallet in my diaper bag at home. I was just dropping my daughter off and I live right… Um…You can look it up, can’t you?” You are lucky I have pants on.

“Yeah. Whats your name?”

I spell it for him and he wanders off for a good ten minutes. When he comes back he looks annoyed. So am I. Elijah is past fussing at this point and is full out screaming.  And it’s cold and my engine is off so there’s no heat.

“I can’t find you in the system,” he says. “Are you sure this is the correct spelling?”

I spell it again and suggest he try my maiden name too just in case. Another ten minutes pass, which I spend trying to avoid eye contact with every other parent from my kids school as they stare at me on their way past. I can see them all wondering what I did. I fervently wish his car was behind mine, to block the easily identifiable trailer hitch. Shiiiit.

Officer Inconvenient returns finally. “You still aren’t coming up. What’s your social?”

I relay the information and  ask if I can get out of the car, because at this point, my son is full-on-red-faced wailing at the top of his lungs.

“Nope, stay put, I’ll be right back.”

Another ten minutes or so pass, during which I realize several things. I forgot to take my medication, I have to pee, and I’m not wearing a bra.  SHIT!

A  month later, he returns. “You still aren’t coming up. Give me your social one last time.”

“575-” I say.





Eventually, Officer Dyslexic gets it right with the computer and discovers that I do actually exist and am not some fugitive drug-muling soccer mom. At this point, I’ve taken to grinning maniacally and parade-waving at the rubberneckers. I think I’m going to skip this months PFA meeting though.

When he finally comes back with his ticket book I’m startled, as I’d been busy trying to figure out just how hard it would be to clean pee out of my upholstery and if it’s maybe worth the effort- and Elijah is busy strangling his blue bunny whilst screaming his anger at it. He’s hungry at this point, and no amount of consoling will do.

“Well, I’m doing you a favor. Speeding in a school zone is an expensive ticket. Instead I’ve given you a ticket for failing to carry your license. It was a huge waste of my time to have to look you up in the system. Be sure to carry it with you from now on.”

My lip is now bleeding because of how hard my teeth are dug into it, but I manage to smile and nod, and mumble a “Thank you”  before I flee back to the safety of my home, where I look at the ticket.

Crap. 110 bucks! Steve is going to kill me.

Surprisingly, he is pretty cool about the ticket, and I forgot about it until a few days later when the first driving school flier arrives in the mail.

Hmm. But, my ticket didn’t put points on my license.

Then I realize it’s in his name. Turns out, HE got a $300 speeding ticket the day before.

And when we go to pay mine, they ask to see my license. As long as I have one, the fee?

Ten bucks.

*Disclaimer* This actually happened several months ago, but I never got around to finishing the post until now.

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Home Again, Home Again.

And back to my real life. Which consists of doctors appointments and now weekly injections of methotrexate. And dropping Kiki off at school and picking Kiki up from school. And  going to soccer games,  cooking dinner and changing diapers. Supervising homework and packing for our (probable) move. Cleaning and grocery shopping and hopefully… blogging.

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Our Spring Break

A few weeks ago our family got into a car- including one poor dog:

And of course baby Elijah- who is now 5 months old:

(Aka: “Squishface,” “Sir Squish”, “Mr Squishford” and “Squishy”. ) Who, in my defense, IS super squishy:

Mom and Dad went too, of course.

Dad, by the way,  weighs less than Kiki when on Uranus.  In case you were wondering. (Mom, on the other hand, prefers to remain weightless)

While we were there, we visited the Science Museum. Obviously. There were dinosaurs!

And although it was  nearly 80 degrees and spring like when we got there,

Mother nature is fickle, and by the end of the week, there were snowflakes to chase:

But,  most importantly, there were friends and family lined up to welcome Elijah into the world.

Great grandparents and grandparents, among many others.

And we even stopped off at the mall so a brave little lady could get her ears pierced.

And Elijah even had his first Passover Matzoh

All in all, it was an adventure, some parts wonderful, some parts sorrowful, bittersweet and exciting. As is life, I suppose.

But it’s also nice to be home. Even though me and the baby seem to have brought the Buffalo plague home with us, (which is less fun when coupled with my RA flare up -Yeah, I apparently have that now and it does not like long car rides or cold weather– and my annoyed pancreas)

Although home may not be so for much longer, as it seems likely we will be moving to Houston. Also, I came home to find out that my oldest child, who just turned eleven, is now officially a woman. Ack. Eek. And Holy shit. I feel old.

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I’m taking another break. Obviously.

Sorry.  Having more health issues. Starting waking up with numb hands and feet and stiff ankles again, (It was happening before i got pregnant, but it went away while I was pregnant, so i’d written it off as a random thing)  Over the past month it has returned, and spread, turning  into pain and swelling in almost all my joints. Now I can barely move in the mornings, and then it lessens some, until I start trying to move around or use my hands. It’s become extremely painful and I only have limited use of my hands so no long posts from me until this is figured out.

Keep your fingers crossed for me. I don’t think I can handle another chronic illness.


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The Wonders of Peer Pressure

As requested: The top ten baby products I couldn’t live without.

The Fisher Price Zen swing:

It can be adjusted to swing front-to-back or side-to-side, it plugs in, has music and the entire seat can be lifted out  and easily moved wherever you want. Also, the baby loves staring at his friendly friends on the mobile. In short, this thing has it all.

The 123 Swaddle swaddling blanket by SwaddleDesigns

If you have a baby that enjoys being swaddled, this blanket rocks. Especially if you have a BIG baby that doesn’t fit in the traditional blankets. This is made of a lightweight muslin to prevent overheating, its large enough to swaddle a toddler, and comes with instructions sewn on. My baby loved to be swaddled, but he kicked out of receiving blankets and grew too big for the (also awesome) Velcro swaddlers within weeks. I hunted for a larger size to accommodate my, er, healthy baby, and ended up ordering this. I am glad I did. He has yet to kick out of it, and he generally sleeps from 9pm to 6 am.

Playtex Ventaire Bottles.

After 4 kids, (one with serious colic) you can bet I have tried every bottle ever invented. These are the best. Period.

Zo-Li On the Go travel Formula and Snack Dispenser

Even if you don’t use formula, this thing is awesomely handy as a snack container. But if you DO use formula then you know what a pain it can be to go out for the day with all the car you have to carry around. This allows you to pack up to four bottles worth of formula powder in separate pre-measured containers and it takes up much less room than four bottles or a can of formula. It has a screw on top for easy dispensing, and best of all, its BPA free and comes from an environmentally conscious company.

The Cloud b Twilight Turtle

This was a gift, and it is one of MY favorite things. It projects green, blue (or a combination of both) stars on the ceiling and is the perfect non-blinding nightlight for those middle of the night checkups. And when the baby is awake it gives him cool stuff to look at.

The Boon Squirt spoon

A spoon that you can fill with baby food and squeeze to dispense. Need I say more?

The Diaper Champ

Babies poop a lot. This helps!

Infantino Tag Along Bunny

This was also a gift, and the  blue bunny is the babys bestest friend ever. He’s got a velcro tail and he lives on the handle of the infant carrier carseat. Everytime we put the baby in, his friend gets a HUGE smile. Seriously, he loves this thing.

Also: Feety Jammies and Bibs

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The ten things I should have blogged about.

If I wasn’t so busy squishing my adorably fat 16 lb 11 week old, I might have written these posts.

In Which my OCD Returns Full Force and I Reorganize the Entire House. With Pictures.

The Twenty Baby Things I Couldn’t Live Without.

Why People Should Shut up About Tiger Woods Already.

Earthquakes Suck. Send Money.

Holy Shit, he Slept Through the Night!

Please Don’t Build an Igloo Made of Pillows on Your Brothers Head.

What I do During my Husbands Business Trips. (And why he should take the credit cards with him.)

Poll: Should We Have More Kids?

Want: Ugly Sweaters Edition

The Obligatory Cute Baby Pictures Post.

Wait, I might just do that last one.


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New Beginnings

I’m all about the new beginnings lately. I have finally seemed to land on a combination of medication that has left me feeling somewhat human  and mostly pain and depression free. Some things still are not ideal, but I feel like I can start to work on changing them.  I’m starting over in many different ways.

First, I’m trying to find us an active playgroup.  I’m hoping I make some friends along the way because I desperately need to get out of my house, and it’s obvious I need people to talk to. And my kids need friends, children to grow up and share birthday parties with. This isolation has been making things ten times worse.

Second, it turns out, all this being sick and not eating has actually made me fat. Yeah.

I couldn’t figure out why even on a low calorie diet,  eating all the right things I just can’t seem to lose any weight anymore.  (I used to go up and down with no effort at all.) So I started tracking everything I actually ate and kept down, and it turns out, I’ve totally destroyed my metabolism and put myself in starvation mode. And when I AM able to keep food down, my body just stores it all. So I can gain, but not lose. And I just gave birth. So yeah. Fat. And in bad shape from being in bed for months after each procedure and on bad days. So, thanks to the advice of a friend, I did some research and discovered some interesting facts. Turns out, I’m doing it wrong. So, I’m starting over.

The first hurdle: EATING. Because of the pain associated with eating, I don’t usually eat until dinner time. and even though I eat a large dinner (And then medicate to compensate for it) it wasn’t actually enough calories. (It averages at around 600-800 a day.) So, I’m focusing on eating small, high protein meals every few hours, and getting up to 1200-1400 calories where I should be. It’s taking some adjusting, but I’m trying to do it in small steps. And I’m focusing on eating real, simple foods, which makes it pretty easy to figure out what i should and should not eat. Meat, Nuts, Eggs, Cheese, Veggies, Fruits, Whole Grains. Simple, identifiable foods. Also, lifting weights again to try and get my strength back, and getting back into my yoga routine, as well as walking.

I also embarked on a mission to reorganize the house, which has been, well… interesting. I’ve always had a touch of OCD and… well let’s just say: I don’t think my husbands sock drawer needs to be organized by color and size.

All that aside: There is no newer beginning than this, a new life, just begun, full of endless possibilities and dreams yet to be dreamed:

Thia post is part of  Crazy Hip Bloggers Take it Tuesday.


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